The Compliance Engine FAQs

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The Compliance Engine FAQs

Are City, State, and County building which are approved to conduct their own Regulation 4 system test and deemed exempt from local government fee’s required to participate in the Brycer Compliance Engine program and pay the required program fee?

At this time, For ALL entities conducting test, retest, and unable to test reports for commercial High Rise buildings (75 feet or greater) operating within the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Fire Department are required to submit such report via the Brycer Compliance Engine. All other non High Rise properties are required to continue forwarding said reports as directed by their Fire Inspector. The fee for participation in this program is neither regulated nor collected by the City of Los Angeles therefore resulting in the City’s inability to exempt/waive any agency from such requirement.

Do we still send email copy of test reports to

No, all test reports are to be submitted via The Compliance Engine.

For ALL entities conducting test, retest, and unable to test reports for commercial High Rise buildings (75 feet or greater) operating within the jurisdiction of the Los Angeles Fire Department are required to submit such report via the Brycer Compliance Engine. All other non High Rise properties are required to continue forwarding said reports as directed by their Fire Inspector.

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