Fire Zone

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Fire Zone

California Assembly Bill No. 38 (AB38) seeks to mitigate the danger of wildfire by outlining available retrofits designed to protect homes located in the Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zone (VHFHSZ), and by directing vegetation management requirements around these properties.

Beginning January 1, 2021 AB38 requires specific disclosures to be provided to Buyers of residential property within the VHFHSZ.  In May 2021, California Association of Realtors (C.A.R.) Form Fire Hardening and Defensible Space Advisory, Disclosure, and Addendum (FHDS) became available for this purpose.

Information provided here is intended as a guide for Homeowners, Buyers, and Sellers to navigate this process successfully, and to educate the public on Fire Hardening and providing Defensible Space through Vegetation Management in the VHFHSZ.

1. Determine C.A.R. Form FHDS applicability.  Am I in the VHFHSZ? (See Fire Zone Map)

2. Review Form-Filling recommendations and important instructions (See C.A.R. Form Instructions) DO THIS BEFORE VISITING THE VEGETATION MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.

3. Determine property’s Brush Clearance status (See Vegetation Management System)

4. Understand Fire-Hardening, and how to protect your home from wildfire (See Hardening Your Home)

5. If you are requesting a AB38 inspection please contact

For further assistance, please contact the LAFD’s Brush Clearance Unit: or at (800) 994-4444.

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