Schools, Churches and Institutions

How can we help?

Schools, Churches and Institutions

The Schools, Churches and Institutions Unit (Downtown) and the Valley Public Safety Unit (Valley) are responsible for the maintenance inspections for all Schools, Churches and Institutions is the City of Los Angeles. These Units also are responsible for annual Certification of Hospital Fire Manuals and the Certificate of Fitness for Healthcare Facility Instructor. These units enforce the 2020 Los Angeles Fire Code, Title 19 Health and Safety Code, 2019 California Building Code and California Fire Code.

(213) 978-3660  Schools and Churches
(213) 978-3730  Institutions
(213) 978-3612 (fax)

(818) 374-1110
(818) 778-4911 (fax)

Certificate of Fitness

Fire Card Information:
  • Health Care (oversight)
  • Certificate of Fitness
  • Evacuation Plan Development and approvals

Schools and Churches

SCHOOLS AND CHURCHES Inspectors inspect the following occupancies:
  • Public Schools
  • Charter Schools
  • Private Schools
  • Churches with over 750 attendees
  • Churches with less than 750 attendees that have a school or daycare attached
  • Commercial Adult and Child Daycares
  • State Licensing inspections for Residential Daycares also known as Family Child cares
[Click here to view the Schools and Churches Inspection District Map]

Institutions Unit

Institutions Inspectors inspect the following occupancies:
  • Acute care Hospitals
  • Psychiatric Hospitals
  • Skilled Nursing Hospitals
  • Detox Facilities
  • Ambulatory Health Care Facility more than five patients
  • Jails
  • Prisons
  • Juvenile Halls
  • Court holding Facilities
  • Detention treatment centers
  • Correctional Centers
Assisted Living Facilities such as:
  • Residential Care Facilities
  • Residential Care Facilities for the Elderly
  • Adult Residential Facilities
  • Congregate Living Health Facilities
  • Group Homes
  • Residential Care Facilities for the Chronically ill
  • Congregate Health Living Facilities for the Terminally ill
Social Rehabilitation Facilities such as:
  • Halfway Houses
  • Community Correctional Centers
  • Community Treatment Programs
  • Work furlough Programs
  • Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facilities
State Licensing Inspections for all R2.1/R3.1 Residential Facilities [Click here to view the Institutions Inspection District Map]


Fire Clearances / 850’s:

If you have any questions or need assistance please contact the Downtown office or the Valley offices:

(213) 978-3660  Schools and Churches
(213) 978-3730  Institutions
(213) 978-3612 (fax)

(818) 374-1110
(818) 778-4911 (fax)


Public Assemblage Unit (Metro, Hollywood, West LA and Harbor)
Valley Public Safety Unit
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